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"The meditation was really deep and I came out of it so relaxed and so happy. It was all about being strong… a beautiful, beautiful experience."

— Natasha

"The meditation, as a whole, felt very specific and important to me. It made very clear, what I have to change in my life. 

 All week, I’ve been working on this and making progress. The starting point was this session with you!

— Tatiana

"Such a beautiful meditation. Elena’s voice is so calm, peaceful and beautiful that easily transported me to another state of being. 

It was like being drawn instantly into a beautiful safe space where I could place all my attention on me, encouraged to surrender, be present in my emotions, my heart, my mind. I could also feel the energy behind the words. 

A beautiful, strong energy not only guiding the meditation, but also holding the space, supporting me to go deeper inside of me, to cultivate curiosity and trust. 

Trust that I can really see, feel and change patterns in order to explore deeper aspects of myself. And that I am not alone. Trust that there is so much help around me from so many beautiful beings… 


I felt the meditation like a calling to take responsibility for my life, going deeper and exploring more to reach my authenticity, my truth, a place where I can truly enjoy the miracle of life. 

There was a simplicity and so much empowerment in the words. Thank you, Elena, for holding such a beautiful space, helping me to come to my truth for my own and higher good, supporting me to develop my skills and become aware of my gifts, beauty and light. 

 I am so grateful for your gift, powerful message and magical support."

— Anca

Happiness Essentials$88

Your recordings bundle includes:

No More Heart Wall!

The Gift of Abundance

Connecting with Higher Awareness (Soul Purpose Activation)

Total duration: c. 2 hours

For more information, please contact Elena Angel

  • Total payment
  • 1xHappiness Essentials$88

All prices in USD
